Late Night / Low Labor Options
New! Porsena's 10'' IW Chicken Bacon Ranch Pizza 573889 - 12/1.125 lb.
New! Porsena's 10'' IW Meat Lover's Pizza 573890 - 12/1.2 lb.
Porsena's 12'' IW Chicken Alfredo Pizza573866 - 6/22.25 oz.
Porsena's 12'' IW Mediterranean Vegetable Pizza573570 - 6/19.25 oz.
Porsena's IW Cheeseburger Pizza573880 - 6/23.75 oz.
Anchor Breaded Wisconsin Cheese Curd705560 - 2/5 lb.
McCain Battered Cauliflower Wings705952 - 4/3 lb.
McCain Battered Smoked Corn Ribz705950 - 4/4 lb.
McCain Breaded Brussels Sprout Halves705957 - 4/3 lb.
84% of adults (21+) who drink wine, beer, or cocktails say restaurants are a good place to learn about alcohol beverages that they haven’t tried before.
82% of these consumers say they trust the staff at their local restaurants to make good recommendations when it comes to alcohol beverages.
This sentiment is shared by a strong majority of consumers across all age groups. 9 in 10 millennials and Gen Z adults agree.
42% of adults age 21+ say the availability of alcohol beverages such as beer, wine or cocktails makes them more likely to choose one restaurant over another similar restaurant.
Millennials are choosiest with 57%, reporting they would make a restaurant choice based on the availability of alcohol beverages.
Perhaps more telling than who’s drinking (by age group) is what they’re drinking.
Beer drinkers (70%), wine drinkers (69%) and cocktail drinkers (67%) are even more likely to say the availability of alcohol beverages makes them more likely to choose one restaurant over another.
A beverage program catered to these customers can attract new business.
Source: National Restaurant Association, On the Menu: Trends in On- and Off-Premises Beverage Alcohol